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ANFA does not support the establishment of a nuclear power industry in Australia

26 January 2025 The Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) does not support the establishment of a nuclear power industry in Australia. We condemn the irresponsible moves by the federal Coalition to promote nuclear power as a response to the climate emergency. As...

Australian Nuclear Free Alliance rejects AUKUS submarines and nuclear waste

Media Release - April 26, 2024 Marking 38 years since the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance has today released the statement from its national meeting, calling for an end to the AUKUS nuclear submarine deal. Vicki Abdullah-McCabe, ANFA...

ANFA 2024 Meeting statement

Against a backdrop of increased nuclear threats posed by the AUKUS submarine plans, the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) met on Dharawal Country over the weekend March 15-17, 2024. Formed in 1997, ANFA brings together representatives from First Nations...

Media statement Kimba court win

August 2 2023 ANFA welcomes the court's decision on the outcome of the judicial review in favour of the BarngarlaTraditional Custodians on Tuesday July 18 in Adelaide. This decision recognises the importance of Traditional Owners' right to have a say in proposed...

National ANFA meeting


Statement 26th October 2021 Since 1997 the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) has brought together Aboriginal people and civil society groups concerned about existing or proposed nuclear developments in Australia, particularly on Aboriginal homelands.ANFA opposes...

ANFA co-president speaks out about Maralinga soil dangers

Excerpt from Port Lincoln Times story: Sue Haseldine, who grew up in the Koonibba district in the 1950s and 1960s, has long campaigned against nuclear testing and weapons. She has been part of the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), an...

ANFA letter to SA Minister

After this year's ANFA annual gathering, a rally against the National nuclear waste proposal was held in Port Augusta. On October 24 around 200 people gathered on a hot and windy day to march from Gladstone Square to the foreshore. On the way, participants stopped at...

ANFA 2019 Meeting Statement

Australian Nuclear Free Alliance National Meeting Statement 23rd October 2019 Representatives of many Aboriginal Nations[1] and civil society organisations[2] came together over three days to continue the ANFA tradition of sharing experiences, plans and...

ANFA statement to 2019 “Water is Life” gathering

The Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) committee sends our warmest support and solidarity to the national Water is Life gathering 2019. Adnyamathanha/Kokatha man Dwayne Coulthard speaking as co-chair of ANFA at the Canberra summit. Photo: Original Power ANFA is a...





澳洲反核聯盟(Australian Nuclear Free Alliance)在此代表全澳洲的原住民,呼籲擁有核能的國家不要將核廢料棄置於澳洲的土地之上。核工業集團過往已有驅逐原住民及污染其環境的諸多惡行——從核彈試驗到鈾礦開採,再到將核廢料棄置於原住民家園上的各種主張。


澳洲的原住民傳統土地擁有者呼籲全球的組織參與聯署,以阻止她/他們的土地被用作國際高階核廢料棄置場。若 貴機構同意這份聲明,請進入此網頁進行聯署 :

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