The Symposium explored all aspects of the nuclear fuel chain and their impacts on all peoples and environments across the world. The Declaration addresses everything from nuclear weapons testing, to poorly-regulated uranium mines, highly contested nuclear reactors and the ongoing issue of the industry’s waste and it’s specific impacts on Indigenous peoples.
“Its time for Australia to wake up to the realities of the nuclear industry
whether its mining, contemplating a reactor or hosting international
radioactive waste, and to make the switch to renewable energy.” Peter
Watts, ANFA co-chair.
“We’ve heard from people right across the world and evidence shows that
there is no best practice in the nuclear industry; to mine it, use it or
store the waste. We saw at the film festival that no-one affected by
radiation has got justice from any government or mining company right
across the world.” Barb Shaw, ANFA co-chair.
“The declaration is both a snapshot of the excesses and impacts of the
nuclear industry globally and a roadmap to exiting the nuclear era”, Dave
Sweeney, Australian Conservation Foundation.
The Australian delegation had input to the Declaration and now invite
individuals and organisations to endorse it and use it as a tool to further
a nuclear free future.
Click here for the “Declaration of the World Uranium Symposium 2015”