The Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) welcomes the announcement that the Central Land Council, following instructions from Full Council delegates, will not undertake further consultation on a proposed nuclear waste dump in the Tanami Desert, approximately 350km...
Australian Nuclear Free Alliance 2011 Statement
The 2011 meeting of the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance was held on the weekend September 9-11 on the land of the Undoolya people in Alice Springs. The meeting coincided with events worldwide marking six months since the Fukushima nuclear disaster began in Japan. The...

Mark Lane talking about Muckaty
2010 ANFA national meeting statement
The 2010 meeting of the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance was held on the weekend August 13 - 15 on the land of the Undoolya people in Alice Springs. It was attended by representatives of the following Aboriginal Nations and organisations: Adnyamathanha, Arabunna,...