The 2010 meeting of the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance was held on the weekend August 13 – 15 on the land of the Undoolya people in Alice Springs.
It was attended by representatives of the following Aboriginal Nations and organisations:
Arrernte (central, eastern, western, southern),
Warlmanpa Nations.
Anti Nuclear Alliance of WA,
Arid Lands Environment Centre,
Australian Conservation Foundation, Australian Student Environment Network, Beyond Nuclear Initiative, Conservation Council WA,
Friends of the Earth (Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Queensland),
Medical Association for Prevention of War, Public Health Association of Australia, Queensland Nuclear Free Alliance.
The meeting resolved the following statements:
LAND TENURE Native title has caused division and hardship for families and communities struggling to protect land and sacred sites from high impact developments.
Native Title does not respect or protect knowledge – the onus should not be on Aboriginal people to prove their affiliation to country and culture. Delegates acknowledge that ‘the land is our law’ and traditional knowledge should be respected in all decision‐making processes.
ANFA calls for the Aboriginal Land Rights Act (NT) to be split into two discrete sections so uranium exploration and mining require separate agreements to be negotiated between companies and Traditional Owners.
HEALTH Meeting delegates views uranium as poison and the uranium industry as a danger to all peoples’ health. As Aboriginal people we do not want to see our land spreading this poison. We will continue to work with health organisations, to inform the Australian people about the dangers of this industry.
The meeting condemns the federal governments continued claim, despite evidence to the contrary, that a federal waste dump is required because of nuclear medicine. We call for a full independent inquiry into our use of nuclear medicine including its alleged connection to the proposed waste dump in the NT.
Delegates call for a full independent inquiry into Australia’s use of nuclear medicine including its alleged connection to the waste dump.
URANIUM ANFA attendees recognise the impact of exploration and mining on water, Aboriginal communities and country;
The meeting calls for the importance of water to be recognised and its protection to be prioritised.
ANFA calls for increased investment in uranium mine rehabilitation, to be undertaken in full consultation with Traditional Owners and affected communities;
Attendees resolve to continue fighting the expansion of the uranium industry in Australia and undertake to work in solidarity with communities overseas facing the threat of uranium mining and other nuclear facilities overseas.
ANFA 2010 acknowledges the serious long term threat of radioactive waste and the physical, social, cultural, spiritual and environmental health impacts that will arise from a waste dump being imposed at Muckaty.
Meeting attendees support all communities resisting federal government attempts to impose a radioactive waste dump.
We condemns the federal ALP government for failing to overturn Howard government laws forcing a waste dump on the NT and call on all Senators to vote against Minister Ferguson’s new waste dump laws targeting Muckaty.
ANFA 2010 delegates and affiliates commit to taking actions in our cities and towns to support Muckaty Traditional Owners resisting the dump and travelling to join them on country if called.