About Us
Formed in 1997, the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (formerly the Alliance Against Uranium) brings together Aboriginal people and relevant civil society groups concerned about existing or proposed nuclear developments in Australia, particularly on Aboriginal homelands. Uncle Kevin Buzzacott was the founder and president of ANFA, alongside Auntie Sue Coleman- Haseldine.
The Alliance provides a forum for sharing of knowledge, skills and experience. It is an opportunity to come together and find strength through our shared aims to protect country and culture from nuclear developments. The Alliance helped to build the successful campaign to stop the Jabiluka uranium mine in the Northern Territory, and more recently, proposed national nuclear waste dumps in South Australia and Muckaty in the NT. Currently, Aboriginal communities face a wave of uranium exploration, rehabilitation and remediation of former mine sites, several proposed new uranium mines, and a proposed national nuclear waste dump.
Current ANFA Committee 2023- 2024
ANFA Co-Chairs
Dianne Stokes
Trish Frail
Vicky Abdullah
Northern Territory
Dianne Stokes
Rishay Anderson
Donna Jackson
Kirsten Blair (GAC)
Corben Mudjandi