From April 14-16, communities from all over the world are gathering in Québec City, Canada, for the World Uranium Symposium. The Symposium will address a broad range of issues related to the nuclear fuel chain, including uranium mining, radioactive waste, aboriginal rights and nuclear weapons proliferation.
The Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) has been invited to contribute stories of nuclear resistance and the impact of the nuclear industry on Aboriginal communities in Australia. Formed in 1997, ANFA brings together Aboriginal people and relevant civil society groups concerned about existing or proposed nuclear developments in Australia, particularly on Aboriginal homelands.
Your support will enable three Co-Chairs of ANFA- Peter Watts, Glen Cooke and Barbara Shaw- to take up this rare opportunity to share the Australian nuclear story with an international audience. While in Québec City, the ANFA delegates will be able to meet with Mohawk and Cree First Nations peoples, who are leading an inspiring campaign against nuclear expansion on their territories.
Donations to support the trip to Canada can be made via the Conservation Council of WA: please email mia.pepper [at] or call 08 9420 7291. KEEP UPDATED ON THE TOUR HERE WWW.ANFA.ORG.AU/TOUR2015