The Australian Nuclear Free Alliance  brings together Aboriginal people and relevant civil society groups concerned about existing or proposed nuclear developments in Australia, particularly on Aboriginal homelands.

The Alliance provides a forum for sharing of knowledge, skills and experience. It is an opportunity to come together and find strength through our shared aims to protect country and culture from nuclear developments. 

Latest Updates


The Australian Nuclear Free Alliance is made up entirely of volunteers and relies on donations to bring people who are affected by the nuclear industry all over Australia together.  Donations to help us work towards a nuclear-free future are greatly appreciated....

ANFA national meeting statement – 2015

In the midst of a Royal Commission into the nuclear industry in South Australia, the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) held it’s 18th annual gathering of Aboriginal, environmental and public health representatives on Nukunu country in Quorn, SA. South Australian...

SA Royal Commission – ANFA submission

SA Royal Commission – ANFA submission

Download a copy of ANFA's submission to the South Australian Nuclear Fuel Cycle Royal Commission: 2015-07 ANFA submission to SA royal commission final

World Uranium Symposium 2015: Barbara Shaw

World Uranium Symposium 2015: Barbara Shaw Barb Shaw and Dave Sweeney have now returned to Australia, and Peter Watts is staying in the USA to speak at several events this weekend. New York City is about to explode with peace and disarmament activists and...

Muckaty film screened at International Uranium Film Festival

Muckaty film screened at International Uranium Film Festival

Protecting Manuwangku screened last night at the International Uranium Film Festival, taking scenes and voices from the heart of Australia to Quebec City. The film was very well received and followed with a Q and A session with Barb Shaw and Dave Sweeney. We missed...

Canada Tour (blog update)

Canada Tour (blog update)

Day 2 of the World Uranium Symposium was another jam-packed day of workshops and plenaries full of inspiring and well-informed people from 25 countries on 5 continents. Peter Watts gave a workshop along with Katsumi Furitsu, from Japan, titled 'From Hiroshima to...

ANFA gets standing applause at World Uranium Symposium

ANFA gets standing applause at World Uranium Symposium

The morning started with a plenary on human and Indigenous peoples' rights vs. the nuclear fuel chain. Barb Shaw took to the podium with the map of Australian uranium sites and talked from her heart. Her talk ended to a standing ovation. The World Uranium Symposium...

Anti – nuclear fight goes to Canada

A delegation of Australian nuclear free campaigners has travelled to Canada to present at the World Uranium Symposium being held in Quebec City, April 14-16. The group includes representatives from Aboriginal communities impacted by nuclear projects and national...

Australian Nuclear Map