The 2011 meeting of the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance was held on the weekend September 9-11 on the land of the Undoolya people in Alice Springs. The meeting coincided with events worldwide marking six months since the Fukushima nuclear disaster began in Japan. The...
Media Releases
2010 ANFA national meeting statement
The 2010 meeting of the Australian Nuclear Free Alliance was held on the weekend August 13 - 15 on the land of the Undoolya people in Alice Springs. It was attended by representatives of the following Aboriginal Nations and organisations: Adnyamathanha, Arabunna,...
Australian Nuclear Free Alliance calls for people to “Vote Nuclear Free”
Traditional Owners facing nuclear projects and representatives from environment and health organisations are gathering for the annual Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) meeting in Alice Springs this weekend, August 13‐15. Formed in 1997, the Alliance provides...
2009 ANFA national meeting statement
The Australian Nuclear Free Alliance (ANFA) met on Nukunu country in Quorn, South Australia, on the weekend of September 5th-6th to take part in our annual national gathering of Aboriginal people and NGOs, focusing on grassroots resistance to the nuclear industry in...
Aboriginal Voices raise Uranium Concerns
MEDIA RELEASE – 22nd July 2009 Aboriginal voices raise uranium concerns A predominantly Aboriginal national anti-nuclear group has raised serious concerns over the impacts of uranium mining and nuclear activities on Aboriginal country ahead of the opening of a uranium...
The 2008 Alliance meeting was held on Limilngan country near the Mary River, in the top end of the Northern Territory from August 29-31. The meeting celebrated 11 years of solidarity and e"ective resistance to the nuclear industry in Australia. Alliance members...
ANFA national meeting statement 2007
Australian Nuclear Free Alliance* Meeting Statement: August 2007 The meeting took place on Werre Therre land, 40 kilometres from Alice Springs on the weekend of August 11-12, 2007. The meeting site is three kilometres from country threatened by the Federal...
Fifth Alliance Against Uranium meeting statement
Fifth Alliance Meeting September 17-18, 2005 The meeting was attended by representatives of the Adnyamathanha, Kokatha, Kokatha Moola, Warlpiri, Anmatyere, Kungarakun and Gurindji nations and Friends of the Earth, Australian Conservation Foundation, Medical...
Fourth Alliance Against Uranium meeting statement
Fourth Alliance Meeting February 24-25 2001 Representatives attended the fourth Alliance meeting from the following indigenous communities: Adnyamathanha, Kokatha, Arabanna, Kupa Piti Kungka Juta. Representatives of the following non-indigenous environment...
Second Alliance Against Uranium meeting statement
Second Alliance Meeting 8-9 November 1997 Representatives attended the second meeting from the following indigenous communities: Arrernte, Arabanna, Adnyamathanha, Mirrar, Kokatha, Kalakadoon. It was also attended by representatives of the following nonindigenous...